Good morning Ruben, today we need to plan our next m______, Yes, can we p________ it for the 1__ of next month? Oh, sorry, I have another general meeting that day. Okay Rachel, do you think T______ is a good day? Let me see, I think I have to go to the doctor on Tuesday, Ok I understand, in that case And W________ a________? Yeah, well, I don't have much to do that day. Perfect in that case, can we meet at 2 pm at the main office? Of course, see you there Rubén. Thank you Rachel, b___ b___

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Good morning Ruben, today we need to plan our next meeting, Yes, can we plan it for the 1th of next month? Oh, sorry, I have another general meeting that day. Okay Rachel, do you think Tuesday is a good day? Let me see, I think I have to go to the doctor on Tuesday, Ok I understand, in that case And Wednesday afternoon? Yeah, well, I don't have much to do that day. Perfect in that case, can we meet at 2 pm at the main office? Of course, see you there Rubén. Thank you Rachel, bye bye.


Buenos días Ruben, hoy necesitamos planificar nuestra próxima reunión, Sí, ¿podemos programarla para el día 1 del mes que viene? Oh, lo siento, tengo otra reunión general ese día. Vale Rachel, ¿crees que el martes es un buen día? Déjame ver, creo que tengo que ir al médico el martes, vale, entiendo, en ese caso ¿Y el miércoles por la tarde? Sí, bueno, no tengo mucho que hacer ese día. Perfecto en ese caso, ¿podemos encontrarnos a las 2 pm en la oficina principal? Por supuesto, allí nos vemos Rubén. Gracias Raquel, adiós.

Michael Spymore