Example: (0) you
From: David
To: Sarah
Hey Sarah,
I hope (0) you had a great weekend. I wanted to tell you about the city of Ambato, (1)
offers a variety of attractions and activities.
is located in Ecuador. It's a vibrant and culturally rich city
Ambato is known (2)
its annual festivals and celebrations, such (3)
the famous "Fiesta de las Frutas y las Flores" (Festival of Fruits and Flower
held every February. The city comes alive with colorful parades, traditional dances, and music.
In addition to its lively festivals, Ambato boasts stunning natural beauty. It is surrounded by majestic mountains and majestic landscapes, making it a para
for outdoor enthusiasts. There are hiking trails, scenic viewpoints, and nearby hot springs to explore and enjoy.
Ambato (4)
has a thriving food scene. You can indulge in delicious local cuisine, including traditional dishes like "llapingachos" and "cuy asado" (gri
guinea pig). The city's markets are filled with fresh produce, and you can sample various fruits, vegetables, (5) local delicacies.
Take care and talk to you soon!

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Hey Sarah,

I hope (0) you had a great weekend. I wanted to tell you about the city of Ambato, (1) which offers a variety of attractions and activities. It is located in Ecuador. It's a vibrant and culturally rich city. Ambato is known (2) for its annual festivals and celebrations, such (3) as the famous "Fiesta de las Frutas y las Flores" (Festival of Fruits and Flowers) held every February. The city comes alive with colorful parades, traditional dances, and music.

In addition to its lively festivals, Ambato boasts stunning natural beauty. It is surrounded by majestic mountains and landscapes, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. There are hiking trails, scenic viewpoints, and nearby hot springs to explore and enjoy.

Ambato (4) also has a thriving food scene. You can indulge in delicious local cuisine, including traditional dishes like "llapingachos" and "cuy asado" (grilled guinea pig). The city's markets are filled with fresh produce, and you can sample various fruits, vegetables, (5) and local delicacies.

Take care and talk to you soon!


Hola Sarah,

Espero que hayas tenido un excelente fin de semana. Quería contarte sobre la ciudad de Ambato, que ofrece una variedad de atracciones y actividades. Está ubicada en Ecuador. Es una ciudad vibrante y culturalmente rica. Ambato es conocida por sus festivales y celebraciones anuales, como la famosa "Fiesta de las Frutas y las Flores" que se lleva a cabo cada febrero. La ciudad cobra vida con coloridos desfiles, bailes tradicionales y música.

Además de sus animados festivales, Ambato cuenta con una impresionante belleza natural. Está rodeada de majestuosas montañas y paisajes, lo que la convierte en un paraíso para los amantes de las actividades al aire libre. Hay senderos para caminatas, miradores panorámicos y aguas termales cercanas para explorar y disfrutar.

Ambato también tiene una próspera escena gastronómica. Puedes disfrutar de la deliciosa cocina local, que incluye platos tradicionales como "llapingachos" y "cuy asado" (conejillo de indias a la parrilla). Los mercados de la ciudad están repletos de productos frescos, y podrás probar diversas frutas, verduras y delicias locales.

¡Cuídate y nos vemos pronto!

Michael Spymore