Wake up=
Get up=
Get dressed/put the shoes on =
Go to the bathroom =
Have a shower =
Brush my teeth
Comb my hair =
Have breakfast =
Make the bed =
Leave home =
Go to school=
Arrive at school =
Start school=
Finish school =
Do the homework=
Come back home =
Help my mother at home =
Have lunch/dinner
Wake up=
Get up=
Get dressed/put the shoes on =
Go to the bathroom =
Have a shower =
Brush my teeth
Comb my hair =
Have breakfast =
Make the bed =
Leave home =
Go to school=
Arrive at school =
Start school=
Finish school =
Do the homework=
Come back home =
Help my mother at home =
Have lunch/dinner

Respuesta :



- Wake up = Despertarse

- Get up = Levantarse

- Get dressed/put the shoes on = Vestirse/ponerse los zapatos

- Go to the bathroom = Ir al baño

- Have a shower = Ducharse

- Brush my teeth = Cepillarme los dientes

- Comb my hair = Peinarme

- Have breakfast = Desayunar

- Make the bed = Hacer la cama

- Leave home = Salir de casa

- Go to school = Ir a la escuela

- Arrive at school = Llegar a la escuela

- Start school = Empezar la escuela

- Finish school = Terminar la escuela

- Do the homework = Hacer la tarea

- Come back home = Volver a casa

- Help my mother at home = Ayudar a mi madre en casa

- Have lunch/dinner = Almorzar/cenar