a. Mr.Truffy _______ see anything because he is blind.
b. It's interesting that bees ______ make honey.
c. Oliver _______ play basketball very well. He is in the school team.
d. Troy ______ get good marks at school because he never studies.
e. Alexander ______ ride a bicycle well. He always has accidents.
f. Mr.Judge ______ drink the sour cherry juice because it's tasteless.
g. Mr.Steep ______ climb high mountains. He is a successful mountaineer.
h. A dog _______ swim very well in a sea, lake or river.
i. Mr.Richie _______ buy a big house and a ferrari because he is very rich.
j. The gangster ______ go away.The police is holding him.

Respuesta :


a. Mr.Truffy CAN´T see anything because he is blind.

b. It's interesting that bees CAN make honey.

c. Oliver CAN play basketball very well. He is in the school team.

d. Troy CAN´T get good marks at school because he never studies.

e. Alexander CAN´T ride a bicycle well. He always has accidents.

f. Mr.Judge CAN drink the sour cherry juice because it's tasteless.

g. Mr.Steep CAN climb high mountains. He is a successful mountaineer.

j. Mr.Richie CAN buy a. big house and a ferrari because he is very rich.

j. The gangster CAN´T go away.The police is holding him.