Complete the text with the suitable word:
about to budget
found out view planned
Couchsurfing surroundings
due to
ran out of
confidence hostels hitchhikin
laid back used
Here in Auckland we have a lot of backpackers coming and going. So I
wondered why do they backpack through the world? I asked around and th
what I
Their answers made me realise that they're all really go
reasons why backpacking is good for you.
Why Backpacking is Good for You!
1. You See The World
Backpacking gives you the opportunity to travel and see a lot of the world
You might need to lower your usual living standards a bit with e
street food and
a dorm and bathroom with other people. But it is
great way to see different environments on a low costs.
2. It makes you stronger and confident
Backpacking let's you experience the culture and the
in a mo
intense way. First you might have a problem with the language in the coun
you are not
to the smell, food and culture. You are on the "road
you get to know new people, new impressions and differences from what y
experienced before. This "on the road" experience will give you strength a
for the future.
3. You Learn to Be Flexible
Backpackers live day to day basically, we don't have a strict timetable. Let
you want to travel up north somewhere and for some reason you want to s
another night in that city - you just organise a place to stay for the night an

Respuesta :

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Here in Auckland we have a lot of backpackers coming and going. So I wondered why do they backpack through the world? I asked around and this is what I found out. Their answers made me realise that they're all really good reasons why backpacking is good for you.

Why Backpacking is Good for You!

1. You See The World

Backpacking gives you the opportunity to travel and see a lot of the world on a budget. You might need to lower your usual living standards a bit with street food and sharing a dorm and bathroom with other people. But it is a great way to see different environments on a low costs.

2. It makes you stronger and confident

Backpacking let's you experience the culture and the surroundings in a more intense way. First, you might have a problem with the language in the country you are not used to the smell, food, and culture. You are on the "road," so you get to know new people, new impressions, and differences from what you experienced before. This "on the road" experience will give you strength and confidence for the future.

3. You Learn to Be Flexible

Backpackers live day to day basically; we don't have a strict timetable. Let's say you want to travel up north somewhere and for some reason, you want to spend another night in that city - you just organise a place to stay for the night and leave the next day. Your day is not planned out, you organise your day by how you're feeling. Sometimes you feel the urge to move on to see more of a country or the opposite can occur if you feel that you would like to spend some more time at this one place because you haven't seen everything yet. You don't get the feeling that you are missing out.


Aquí en Auckland hay muchos mochileros que van y vienen. Entonces me pregunté por qué viajan por el mundo con mochila. Pregunté y esto es lo que descubrí. Sus respuestas me hicieron darme cuenta de que todas son muy buenas razones por las que viajar con mochila es bueno para ti.

¡Por qué viajar con mochila es bueno para ti!

1. Ves el mundo

Vivir con mochila te da la oportunidad de viajar y ver mucho del mundo con un presupuesto limitado. Es posible que tengas que reducir un poco tu nivel de vida habitual con comida callejera y compartir dormitorio y baño con otras personas. Pero es una excelente manera de ver diferentes entornos a bajo costo.

2. Te hace más fuerte y te da confianza

Vivir con mochila te permite experimentar la cultura y los alrededores de una manera más intensa. Primero, es posible que tengas un problema con el idioma del país al que no estás acostumbrado al olor, la comida y la cultura. Estás en el "camino", por lo que conoces a nuevas personas, nuevas impresiones y diferencias con respecto a lo que experimentaste antes. Esta experiencia "en el camino" te dará fuerza y ​​confianza para el futuro.

3. Aprendes a ser flexible

Los mochileros vivimos básicamente al día; no tenemos un horario estricto. Digamos que quieres viajar al norte y por alguna razón quieres pasar otra noche en esa ciudad: simplemente organizas un lugar donde pasar la noche y te vas al día siguiente. Tu día no está planeado, lo organizas según cómo te sientas. A veces sientes la necesidad de seguir adelante para ver más de un país o puede ocurrir lo contrario, si sientes que te gustaría pasar más tiempo en ese lugar porque aún no has visto todo. No tienes la sensación de que te estás perdiendo algo.

Michael Spymore