A 1-Put he verbs in the correct tense. A 2-Build sentences use : at the moment, in this moment, now, right now, just now.
The cat...eats....(EAT) fish every day
1 Martin.......(WASH) his car every Monday.
The baby.......(CRY)_every night.
3 Susan and Jean sometimes........(EAT) fish.
4 My dog Fido always..........(BARK).
5 Patricia..........(NOT SPEAK) English.
6 The boys often...........(SING) rock music.
7 My friend Liza..........(WATCH) TV at night.
Grandad ..(NOT SMOKE).
9 Her friends never..........(DO) the homework.
10 Ramiro.........(DANCE) tango very well.
B- Put the verbs in present simple or continuous
1- Carol ....... ...(STUDY) French right now?
2-Susan and I ...........(PLAY) hockey every Sunday.
3- Barbara...........(NOT GO) to school by bus.
4- At the moment it...........
5- My father......(PREPA A 1-Put he verbs in the
correct tense. A 2-Build sentences use
: at the
moment, in this moment, now, right now, just now.
RE) the dinner just now.
6- The players..........(NOT PLAY) on Saturdays.
..(NOT SING) in this moment.
7- The girls....
The cat is eating fish just now
1- The doctor works / is working at home now.
2- John goes / is going to the tennis class on Saturday.
3- The girl often is drinking / drinks coffee in the morning.
4- Claire finishes / is finishing her lessons at 2:00 PM.
5- Paula and you are reading/read a magazine just now.
6-Lalo usually is participating / participates in the

Respuesta :


Aquí tienes las respuestas a cada sección:

**A. Completa los verbos en presente simple:**

1. Martin **washes** his car every Monday.

2. The baby **cries** every night.

3. Susan and Jean sometimes **eat** fish.

4. My dog Fido always **barks**.

5. Patricia **does not speak** English.

6. The boys often **sing** rock music.

7. My friend Liza **watches** TV at night.

8. Grandad **does not smoke**.

9. Her friends never **do** the homework.

10. Ramiro **dances** tango very well.

**B. Completa con presente simple o continuo:**

1. Carol **is studying** French right now.

2. Susan and I **play** hockey every Sunday.

3. Barbara **does not go** to school by bus.

4. At the moment it **is snowing**.

5. My father **is preparing** the dinner just now.

6. The players **do not play** on Saturdays.

7. The girls **are not singing** in this moment.

**C. Escoge la opción correcta:**

1. The doctor **is working** at home now.

2. John **goes** to the tennis class on Saturday.

3. The girl often **drinks** coffee in the morning.

4. Claire **finishes** her lessons at 2:00 PM.

5. Paula and you **are reading** a magazine just now.

6. Lalo usually **participates** in the festival.