Hola, me pueden ayudar con esto. No me salen bien las oraciones

Grammar 1: present progressive
Write sentences to describe the differences between the pictures. Use the
phrases in the box to help you. Remember to put the verbs in the correct
form. Use full sentences.

Picture 1
Picture 2
use a tablet

2. In picture 1, the girl is feeding the birds, but in picture 2,
In picture 1, the girl is feeding the birds, but in picture 2, she is playing with a dog.
(the girl) (play with a dog)

4. In picture 1, the women is using a tablet, but in picture 2, she is reading a magazine.
(the woman) (listen read a magazine) ​

Respuesta :


Claro, aquí tienes las oraciones corregidas:

1. In picture 1, the girl is feeding the birds, but in picture 2, she is playing with a dog.

2. In picture 1, the woman is using a tablet, but in picture 2, she is reading a magazine.