There is
sauce and 4.
STREET FOOD. Street food is fast and easy foo people
buy it outdoors - in markets, at bus stations, at the beach,
and in other public places. Fast food, (pizza, hamburgers),
is not street food. Fast food is the same.
vegetarians in India, so
types of Indian street food have not got
meat. Chaat (small pancakes with Indian
yogurt in them). In
popular street food, many people like pani
puri, too.
1.A. much
B. many
C. some
D. any
B. much
C. some
2. A. any
D. many.
3. A. much
B. many
C. some
D. any
4. A. some
5. A. is
B. any
C. a
D. an
B. are
C. a
D. an

Respuesta :

Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Street food is fast and easy food. People buy it outdoors –in markets, at bus stations, at the beach, and in other public places. Fast food (pizza, hamburgers) isn't street food. Fast food is the same around the world, but street food is different in every country.

There are many vegetarians in INDIA; so many types of Indian street food haven't got any meat. Chaat (small pancakes with Indian sauce and some yoghurt in them) is a popular street food. Many people like pani puri, too. Pani puris are balls with potatoes and sauce.


La comida callejera es comida rápida y fácil. La gente la compra al aire libre: en mercados, estaciones de autobuses, en la playa y en otros lugares públicos. La comida rápida (pizza, hamburguesas) no es comida callejera. La comida rápida es igual en todo el mundo, pero la comida callejera es diferente en cada país.

Hay muchos vegetarianos en la India; así que muchos tipos de comida callejera india no contienen carne. El chaat (pequeños panqueques con salsa india y un poco de yogur) es una comida callejera popular. A mucha gente también le gusta el pani puri. Los pani puris son bolitas con patatas y salsa.

Michael Spymore