Por favor ayúdemen resolviendo este ejercicio de ingles
Second conditional
Exercises: negative and questions
01.- It ......... so cold, if you ........ the windows.
02.- If I....... better,I ......running.
03.- What...... if you .......the lottery?
04.- We....... if it ......... necessary.
05.- Where. ....... if you ......on holidays?
06.- I...... the ticketsif ........Paula with me. ​

Respuesta :

1. It wouldn't be so cold, if you closed the windows.

2. If I were better, I would go running.

3. What would you do if you won the lottery?

4. We would go if it were necessary.

5. Where would you go if you were on holidays?

6. I would buy the tickets if Paula were with me.

Recuerda que el Second Conditional se utiliza para hablar de situaciones hipotéticas o irreales en el presente o en el futuro. La estructura es:

- If + pasado simple, would + verbo en infinitivo (para la acción hipotética)

- If + were (para los verbos ser, estar, parecer), would + verbo en infinitivo

Espero que esto te ayude. ¡Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas más ayuda, no dudes en preguntar!

01.- It **wouldn't be** so cold, if you **closed** the windows.

02.- If I **felt** better, I **would go** running.

03.- What **would you do** if you **won** the lottery?

04.- We **would go** if it **were** necessary.

05.- Where **would you go** if you **went** on holidays?

06.- I **wouldn't buy** the tickets if **Paula didn't come** with me.