Respuesta :


**B. Complete the sentences with the past simple (affirmative/negative/interrogative) of the verbs in brackets:**

1. My sister and her husband **came** from Greece.

2. I **did not like** the rock concert.

3. My cousin **phoned** from France yesterday evening.

4. On Monday Johann **went** to school on foot.

5. **Did they leave** the country last Saturday?

6. **Did you like** the film?

7. They **did not finish** the homework yesterday.

8. **Did she go** to the cinema with her parents last night?

9. No, she didn't. She **stayed** at home. She **got** a cold.

10. We **went** to Spain by car and **had** a wonderful holiday with my family last July.

11. **Did you travel** to Madrid by car or by plane?

12. Many years ago it **was** very difficult to live without electricity.

13. Last year they **bought** a house at the seaside.

14. I **met** him the day before yesterday.

**C. Choose the best option for each of the following sentences:**

1. Mrs. Harris **took** the last train.

b) took

2. There **were** many people here last night.

b) were

3. He **was** at home with me yesterday evening.

b) was

4. She **went** with her family on holidays.

c) went

5. He **bought** some books and candy.

b) bought

6. They **left** their passports at home.

b) did leave

7. It **was** good preparation for the exam.

b) was