Cambiar las siguientes 5 oraciones a presente simple y presente continuo usar el verbo correcto:
1) My mother (wash washes washing) the dishes.
2) I (going go goes) to school every day.
3) The class (starts strat starting) at 8 o´clock in my school.
4) He (watches watching watch) the news cannel.
5) She (cooking cooks cook) the dinner. aydenme porfa

Respuesta :


PS 1) My mother washes the dishes.

PC 1) My mother is washing the dishes.

PS 2) I go to school every day.

PC 2) I am going to school now.

PS 3) The class starts at 8 o´clock in my school.

PC 3) The class is starting in my school.

PS 4) He watches the news cannel.

PC 4) He is watching the news cannel.

PS 5) She cooks the dinner.

PC 5) She is cooking the dinner.


espero te sirva :3

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