2. Organizar las palabras hasta obtener la oracion correcta en forma negativa
w Do I not books read
to do work not by go car.
+John in does a not hospital work.
+ not does She speak French,
+ does Harry not television watch.
+ Martin and I not in do a live big house.
+ does Julia English not at study university
+ not does he like fruit
+ They not dinner eat do at 8 o'clock.​

Respuesta :






1. I do not (don't) read books to go work by car

2. John does not (doesn't) work in a hospital

3. She does not (doesn't) speak French

4. Harry does not (doesn't) watch television

5. Martin and I do not (don´t) live in a big house

6. Julia does not (doesn't) study at English university

7. He does not (doesn't) like fruit

8. They do not (don't) eat dinner at 8 o'clock


espero te sirva :)

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