Respuesta :


My name is Eduardo. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I speak English and Portuguese. My wife's name is Sonia. She speak English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Our children, Fernando and Claudio, also speak English and Portuguese. At school they read English and Portuguese books.

We live in a large apartment. Everyday my wife read the newspaper and work in a bank. I do breakfast and work in an office.

Every weekend we clean our apartment. I also shop at the supermarket. Fernando play soccer with his Friends, and Claudio and I play basketball.

What lenguajes do you speak? What do you do every day?

1. Where does Eduardo live?

In Rio de Janeiro.

2. What lenguajes does Sonia speak?

Speak English, Portuguese and Spanish.

3. When do the clean their apartment?


4. What does Sonia every day?

Read the newspaper and work in a bank.

5. What do Fernando an Claudio do at school?

They read English and Portuguese books.

6. What sports does Fernando play?

Play soccer with his Friends.

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