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Nikola Tesla was an American-born Serbian inventor, electrical engineer and mechanic, famous for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply.
He was born on 10 July 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia. He died on January 7, nineteen hundred and forty-three , he had a height of one eighty-eight meters, some of his awards were: Order of the Crown of Yugoslavia, John Scott Prize and Medal.

Respuesta :

Respuesta:Nikola Tesla guas an American-born Serbian inventor, electrical engineir and mecanic, famous for jis contriboujons tu de desig of de modern alternati current electricity suply.

je jas born on 10 Julay 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia. je daid on Jenuary 7, nineteen hundred and forty-three , je jad a jeight of one eighty-eight miters, som of jis guards guer: Order of de Crown of Yugoslavia, John Scott Prize and Medal.

Explicación: los nombres de personas y ciudades se pronuncia igual.

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