
change the folluwing senteces into Past in negative using Did not
1. We (buy) a new car on Tuesday.
2.Mandy (do) her homework esterday.
3. You (meet) Jane.
4.They (go) to London.
5.I (play) football last month.
6.Jill (visit) in London last year.
7.Fred (give) you this ring.
8.We (visit) them last summer.

Respuesta :


1. We did not buy a new car on Tuesday.

2. Mandy did not do her homework yesterday.

3. You did not meet Jane.

4. They did not go to London.

5. I did not play football last month.

6. Jill did not visit in London last year.

7. Fred did not give you this ring.

8. We did not visit them last summer.

En español:

1. No compramos un coche nuevo el martes.

2. Mandy no hizo su tarea ayer.

3. Tú no conociste a Jane.

4. Ellos no fueron a Londres.

5. No jugué al fútbol el mes pasado.

6. Jill no visitó en Londres el año pasado.

7. Fred no te dio este anillo.

8. No los visitamos el verano pasado.