m I Week 6 Yanela takes a weekend job with pay starting at R80 per weekend. She is given a raise of R6 each weekend. a) Draw a table to show Yanela's earnings for the first five weekends. b) Write a formula to help you work out how much Yanela will earn in the 20th weekend. assuming her pay increases continue. A stack of cans in a factory has 150 cans in the bottom layer, 134 cans in the next layer, 118 cans in the next layer and so on. How many cans will there be in the 10th layer? Create your own numeric pattern. Describe your pattern using: a) A term-to-term rule b) A position-to-term rule. c) Exchange patterns with a friend and try to work out the rules for each others' patterns. Consider the table below: i) 3 6 21 33 ii) 2 5 10 122 iii) 15 236 1 523,6 0,015236 Fill in the missing terms​

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