Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions on, near, between, behind, in, in front of. Only use each preposition once. 1. The calculator is the keyboard and the tablet. Image 2. Place to work (Freepik company, 2019). 2.Two CD-ROMs are the drawer. in 3.The headphones are the computer monitor. 4.The cup of coffee is the boy. 5.The mouse is the mobile phone. 6. The computer is the desk.​

Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions on near between behind in in front of Only use each preposition once 1 The calculator is the keyboard and th class=

Respuesta :


Sure, here are the completed sentences:

1. The calculator is between the keyboard and the tablet.

2. Two CD-ROMs are in the drawer.

3. The headphones are near the computer monitor.

4. The cup of coffee is in front of the boy.

5. The mouse is behind the mobile phone.

6. The computer is on the desk.

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