
Seven of the ten numbered verbs are incorrect. Write the correct simple past or present perfect form.

Katy Hi Maya, how are things going?

Maya Not good, actually. Did you know I was laid off? And now I can’t find a job.

Katy How awful! How long have you been unemployed?

Maya Since March.

Katy So what have you done about it so far? 3Have you applied for many jobs?

Maya Yes, of course! I ’ve checked all the job websites I can think of and last month, I sent my résumé to a few job agencies as well.

Katy Have you had many interviews yet?

Maya Two or three, but each of them said I dindn’t have the right experience for that particular job.

Katy Maybe you need to try a different approach.

Maya Yes, I realize that. I got in touch with one of the companies I used to work for, so something may come from that.

Katy Why don’t you think about working in a different town, or even going abroad?

Maya Actually, I already think about doing that as well! My friend Lara wants to come with me. We have known each other since we were in college.