me pueden ayudar contestandolas en positivo
1. Has Mel left yet?
2. Has the mail arrived yet?
3. Have you finished your homework yet?
4. Has Mr. Dole returned from lunch yet?
5. Have you paid that bill yet?
6. Has the meeting betún yet?
7. Has George found a job yet?
8. Has the boat sailed yet?
9. Have you bought the tickets for the game yet?
10. Have you ridden in pam's new cae yet?​

Respuesta :


1. Yes, Mel has left.

2. Yes, the mail has arrived.

3. Yes, I have finished my homework.

4. No, Mr. Dole has not returned from lunch yet.

5. Yes, I have paid that bill.

6. No, the meeting has not begun yet.

7. No, George has not found a job yet.

8. No, the boat has not sailed yet.

9. Yes, I have bought the tickets for the game.

10. Yes, I have ridden in Pam's new car.


1. No, Mel hasn't left yet.

2. Yes, the mail has arrived.

3. No, I haven't finished my homework yet.

4. No, Mr. Dole hasn't returned from lunch yet.

5. No, I haven't paid that bill yet.

6. No, the meeting hasn't begun yet.

7. No, George hasn't found a job yet.

8. No, the boat hasn't sailed yet.

9. No, I haven't bought the tickets for the game yet.

10. Yes, I have ridden in Pam's new car. It's really nice!

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