2 Listen. In each sentence, one of the compound words (in bold) has stress on the first part (00) ar other has stress on the second part too (00). Circle the word if there is stress on the second par EXAMPLE They did the photocopies overnight. 1 I got this motorbike second hand. 2 Using a typewriter is so old fashioned. 3 These earrings were hand made. 4 I'm short-sighted, like my grandmothe 5 All the sunglasses are half price. 6 The waiting room is for first class on ​

Respuesta :

1. I got this motorbike **second hand**. (Stress on the first part: second)

2. Using a **typewriter** is so old fashioned. (Stress on the second part: writer)

3. These earrings were **hand made**. (Stress on the first part: hand)

4. I'm **short-sighted**, like my grandmother. (Stress on the second part: sighted)

5. All the sunglasses are **half price**. (Stress on the second part: price)

6. The waiting room is for **first class** on. (Incomplete sentence, but the compound word is "first class" with stress on the first part: first)

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