She reads books every night, and her brother plays video games. They go to the beach on weekends,.. • He drinks tea in the morning, • We walk to school together, _ they swim in the ocean. he prefers coffee in the afternoon. we talk about our day. she watches TV. The cat sleeps all day, it becomes active at night. • Sarah practices the piano after school, • = The birds sing in the morning, _____ they build nests in the trees. I brush my teeth before bed, He eats vegetables for dinner, • The sun rises in the east, I floss too. he doesn't like broccoli. it sets in the west.​

She reads books every night and her brother plays video games They go to the beach on weekends He drinks tea in the morning We walk to school together they swim class=

Respuesta :



1. She reads books every night, while her brother plays video games.

2. They swim in the ocean, especially during the summer.

3. He prefers coffee in the afternoon, but drinks tea in the morning.

4. We talk about our day, sharing our experiences and thoughts.

5. She watches TV, especially when her favorite show is on.

6. They build nests in the trees, using twigs, leaves, and other materials.

7. I floss too, to keep my teeth clean and healthy.

8. They go to the beach on weekends, enjoying the sun, sand, and waves.

9. He drinks tea in the morning, to start his day with a warm beverage.

10. We walk to school together, chatting and enjoying each other's company.

11. The cat sleeps all day, but becomes active at night, hunting and exploring.

12. Sarah practices the piano after school, improving her skills and technique.

13. The birds sing in the morning, filling the air with beautiful melodies.

14. I brush my teeth before bed, to maintain good oral hygiene.

15. He eats vegetables for dinner, even though he doesn't like broccoli.

16. The sun rises in the east, and it sets in the west, marking the beginning and end of each day.

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