Respuesta :


Aquí tienes 20 preguntas formales en inglés:

  1. Would you like to schedule a meeting for next week?
  2. Could you please provide more details about your project?
  3. Would it be possible to extend the deadline for this task?
  4. Can you let me know if you have any dietary restrictions for the upcoming event?
  5. Would you be interested in attending the conference next month?
  6. Could you clarify the requirements for this assignment?
  7. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on the latest proposal?
  8. Can you confirm your availability for the training session on Friday?
  9. Would it be convenient for you to meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow?
  10. Could you please double-check the figures in the report?
  11. Would you be open to discussing this matter further in a separate meeting?
  12. Can you provide me with an update on the status of the project?
  13. Would you like me to send you the agenda for the upcoming meeting?
  14. Could you assist me with completing this form?
  15. Would it be acceptable to reschedule our appointment for later in the day?
  16. Can you recommend a good restaurant for our team lunch?
  17. Would you mind reviewing this document before it goes to the client?
  18. Could you suggest a suitable venue for the company retreat?
  19. Would you be available for a quick phone call to discuss this issue?
  20. Can you help me understand the process for submitting expense reports?


Espero que esto sirva

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