necesito un texto de 3 párrafos en inglés con oraciones de reported speech es urgent
puede ser de cualquier tema
por favor necesito ayuda​

Respuesta :


John said that he was going to the grocery store to buy some milk. He mentioned that he had forgotten to pick it up earlier in the week and needed it for his morning coffee. He also added that he might grab some bread and eggs while he was there.

Mary told me that she had been working on a project for school all weekend. She said that it was due the following day and she was feeling stressed about getting it finished on time. Additionally, she mentioned that she had asked her teacher for an extension, but he had denied her request.

Tom explained that he had just returned from a business trip to New York. He mentioned that the meetings had gone well and that he had made some valuable connections. He also added that he was looking forward to spending some time at home with his family.