De acuerdo con el recuadro anterior y con la explicación en clase: en el cuaderno complete el espacio con el
auxiliar was/were en afirmativo (+), luego pase la oración a la forma negativa (-) e interrogativa (?) y traduzca
cada una.
1. (+) in Canberra last Spring. (Was/were)
2. (+) My brother and I.
at school last Saturday. (Was/were)
3.(+) Tina at home yesterday, (Was/were)
4. (+) You
very busy on Friday. (Was/were)
5. (+) Jessica and Kimberly_
late for school yesterday. (Was/were)
6. (+) My elementary school_
really big. (Was/were)
7. (+) He
in a hurry. (Was/were)
8.(+) Last night you________ angry. (Was/were)



9. (+) My father___________ at work yesterday. (Was/were)



10. (+) Trixi and Felix______my cats. (Was/were)​

Respuesta :

Respuesta: s/1 - EXAMENES Y TAREAS - +51978125560 - (Perú)

1. (+) Was in Canberra last Spring.

(-) Was not in Canberra last Spring.

(?) Was I in Canberra last Spring?

2. (+) My brother and I were at school last Saturday.

(-) My brother and I were not at school last Saturday.

(?) Were my brother and I at school last Saturday?

3. (+) Tina was at home yesterday.

(-) Tina was not at home yesterday.

(?) Was Tina at home yesterday?

4. (+) You were very busy on Friday.

(-) You were not very busy on Friday.

(?) Were you very busy on Friday?

5. (+) Jessica and Kimberly were late for school yesterday.

(-) Jessica and Kimberly were not late for school yesterday.

(?) Were Jessica and Kimberly late for school yesterday?

6. (+) My elementary school was really big.

(-) My elementary school was not really big.

(?) Was my elementary school really big?

7. (+) He was in a hurry.

(-) He was not in a hurry.

(?) Was he in a hurry?

8. (+) Last night you were angry.

(-) Last night you were not angry.

(?) Were you angry last night?

9. (+) My father was at work yesterday.

(-) My father was not at work yesterday.

(?) Was my father at work yesterday?

10. (+) Trixi and Felix were my cats.

(-) Trixi and Felix were not my cats.

(?) Were Trixi and Felix my cats?


1. (+) Was in Canberra last Spring.

(-) Was not in Canberra last Spring.

(?) Was I in Canberra last Spring?

2. (+) My brother and I were at school last Saturday.

(-) My brother and I were not at school last Saturday.

(?) Were my brother and I at school last Saturday?

3. (+) Tina was at home yesterday.

(-) Tina was not at home yesterday.

(?) Was Tina at home yesterday?

4. (+) You were very busy on Friday.

(-) You were not very busy on Friday.

(?) Were you very busy on Friday?

5. (+) Jessica and Kimberly were late for school yesterday.

(-) Jessica and Kimberly were not late for school yesterday.

(?) Were Jessica and Kimberly late for school yesterday?

6. (+) My elementary school was really big.

(-) My elementary school was not really big.

(?) Was my elementary school really big?

7. (+) He was in a hurry.

(-) He was not in a hurry.

(?) Was he in a hurry?

8. (+) Last night you were angry.

(-) Last night you were not angry.

(?) Were you angry last night?

9. (+) My father was at work yesterday.

(-) My father was not at work yesterday.

(?) Was my father at work yesterday?

10. (+) Trixi and Felix were my cats.

(-) Trixi and Felix were not my cats.

(?) Were Trixi and Felix my cats?

Otras preguntas