Respuesta :


1- We will be successful if we try hard, won't we?

2- Dorothy must stop drinking, mustn't she?

3- Somebody has taken my dictionary, haven't they?

4- Nothing can be done at this very moment, can it?

5- You have never seen that movie before, have you?

6- Don't eat the whole chicken, will you?

7- There has been no rain for the last couple of weeks, has there?

8- Playing a musical instrument isn't as easy as supposed, is it?

9- Please, let me know when he comes, will you?

10- She rarely cooks meat, does she?

11- They should have been informed long before the arrival, shouldn't they?

12- You aren't going to wear those funny glasses, are you?

13- A student who is lazy cannot accomplish anything, can they?

14- Hasan has been painting the walls since morning, hasn't he?

15- He used to be a famous doctor, didn't he?

16- Let's have a morning walk, shall we?

17- Anybody who is eager is welcome, aren't they?

18- I don't suppose there is much damage, is there?

19- It's so hot in this room. Open the window, will you?

20- Now Mrs. Biggs, you usually have supper at eight, don't you?

21- She will be able to tell him the truth, won't she?

22- Don't forget to put your name on the answer sheet, will you?

23- No one sent me a letter, did they?

24- You've never had a girlfriend before, have you?

25- There's not much news in today's paper, is there?

26- You'd that, would you?

27- He's been very successful, hasn't he?

28- Somebody told you the secret, didn't they?

29- You will come to my party, won't you?

30- You would like to have a look at my new car, wouldn't you?

31- You used to love going out when you were young, didn't you?

32- I should ring him up after our quarrel, shouldn't I?

33- He'll fall off the ladder, won't he?

34- You never used to go to a pub, did you?

35- I'm afraid I'm a little early, aren't I?

36- He hadn't met you before, had he?

37- He made you do it again, didn't he?


listo si te sirve no dudes en darme una corona si puedes

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