Conversation 2
(Mr. Chin/just/cancel)
today's class.
(he reschedule, it yet?
Really? (9)
No, not yet. But I heard the class might be on Saturday.
(you ever have
Is that possible? (10)
a class on a Saturday?
Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses. Then write
since or for.
1. People in many countries enjoy ice swimming. It became popular several decades ago.
People have enjoyed
(enjoy) ice swimming
several decades.
The first Canadian Polar Bear Swim was in 1920. It is still an annual event.
The Canadian Polar Bear Swim
(be) an annual event
Our town had its first New Year's Day swim in 2010. Our town still has this swim.
Our town
(have) a New Year's Day swim.
many years
I wanted to swim with the Polar Bears when I was 13. I'm 23 and I still want to do it.
(want) to swim with the Polar Bears
ten years
The only sport my brother does is winter swimming. He
any other sport
(not play)
he was a teenager.
My father doesn't participate anymore. His last winter swim was four years ago.
My father
(not participate).
four years
7. My cousin always jumps into the water first. He did this last year and the year before.
My cousin
(always/ jump) into the water first
he joined the Polar Bears.
We all love winter swimming We loved our first experience, and we still love it.
(love) winter swimming.
we first tried

Respuesta :


Conversation 2

Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

Lee: Mr. Chin has just canceled today's class.

Jen: Really? Has he rescheduled it yet?

Lee: No, not yet. But I heard the class might be on Saturday.

Jen: Is that possible? Have you ever had a class on a Saturday?

Use "since" or "for"

1. People in many countries enjoy ice swimming. It became popular several decades ago.

People have enjoyed ice swimming **for** several decades.

2. **The first Canadian Polar Bear Swim was in 1920. It is still an annual event.**

The Canadian Polar Bear Swim **has been** an annual event **since** 1920.

3. **Our town had its first New Year's Day swim in 2010. Our town still has this swim.**

Our town **has had** a New Year's Day swim **for** many years.

4. **I wanted to swim with the Polar Bears when I was 13. I'm 23 and I still want to do it.**

I **have wanted** to swim with the Polar Bears **for** ten years.

5. **The only sport my brother does is winter swimming. He never played any other sport since he was a teenager.**

He **has not played** any other sport **since** he was a teenager.

6. **My father doesn't participate anymore. His last winter swim was four years ago.**

My father **has not participated** **for** four years.

7. **My cousin always jumps into the water first. He did this last year and the year before.**

My cousin **has always jumped** into the water first **since** he joined the Polar Bears.

8. **We all love winter swimming. We loved our first experience, and we still love it.**

We **have loved** winter swimming **since** we first tried it.


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