Tamburello is a sport from the north of Italy. It is a very
old sport. The first games were in the
16th century.
Players can play the game inside or
It's a team sport and there are usually three players in each
team. Players hit the small tennis ball to players in the other
team. But they don't use bats or rackets to hit the ball.
use tambourines. Have a look at the photo. Yes, the players
have got tambourines in their hands. The Italian word for
tambourine is tamburello. That's how the sport gets its name.
A player in one team hits the ball over the line to players in
the other team. A player in the other team hits it back. When
a player doesn't' hit the ball or when the ball goes too far,
the other team wins a point. There are four points in each
game. That's the same as the points in tennis. When
players play a match, they usually play 13 games.
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er doing?
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
1 Which country does the game come from?
2 How old is the game?
3 How many players are there in a game of tamburello?
4 What do the players hit the ball with?
5 How many games are there in a tamburello match?
6 What two things in tamburello are like the game of tennis?

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