0. Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran is an English pop singer whose journey to the top (0) the success of his first song. (105) Ed (106) only five years. He became famous play instruments like the drums from a young age and in 2006 he designed the cover of his Two years later, he made (108) popular songs, but he was not a star yet; he played at small places until 2011. That year, his song 'The A Team' became available for first album (107) (109) download. than ever. Ed has had many successful taking a break from recording, he is preparing for a new project: a musical show to perform in the US. With his third album, he got back on the popular song lists (110) years and now, (111) he was (112) Ejemplo: A. took Respuesta: 0. B B. take C. taken 105. A. after B. along C. across 106. A. shall B. could C. must 107. A. herself B. themselves 108. A. several B. another 109. A. almost B. exactly 110. A. strong B. stronger B. while C. himself C. each C. actually C. strongest C. if 111. A. so 112. A. asked B. asks C. ask PRU ​

Respuesta :

1. A

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. C

10. C

11. A

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