Answer the questions. Write 25-35 words for each question.

1 What things do you do every day and what time do you do them?

2 Write about your last holiday. 3 What are you going to do next week?

Respuesta :

Certainly! Here are concise answers to each question:

1. I wake up at 6:30 AM every day, have breakfast, exercise at 7:00 AM, work from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and relax in the evening with family time and reading.

2. During my last holiday, I traveled to the beach with my family. We enjoyed swimming, sunbathing, and exploring local attractions, making unforgettable memories together.

3. Next week, I plan to attend meetings at work, finalize a project presentation, exercise regularly, and spend quality time with friends over the weekend.


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