For me he is a great example to follow, due to the fact that he is a person who always pursued his dream, no matter how impossible it seemed to be, or all the obstacles that were presented to him to achieve it. To become what he is today, he worked hard and trusted himself a lot. And without a doubt I admire that ability that he had.

At 9 years old, Lionel Messi was only 1.27 meters tall.

He was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. Which made his dream impossible.
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Respuesta :

For mi ji is a greit exampol tu folou, du tu de fact dad hi is a person ju olways purshud his drim, no marer jao imposibol it simd to bi, or oll de obstcols dad güer presentd tu him tu achivd it. Tu bicom güat hi is tuday, hi güorkd jard and trustd jimself a lot. And güitaout a doubt ai admird dad abiliry dad ji jad.

Ay nai yirs old, Lionel Messi güas only güan point tueni seven mirers tal.

Ji güas daiagnosd güit a grount jormon defisaiency. Guich meid jis drim imposibol.

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