
1. Escribir 10 hechos científicos utilizando el zero conditional 2. Escribir 10 oraciones utilizando el primer condicional sobre consecuencias del uso de drogas 3. Escribir un párrafo donde se utilizan 10 cognates en inglés sobre maneras para ayudar a nuestro planeta​

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10 hechos científicos:

If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.

If plants receive sunlight, they perform photosynthesis.

When you mix baking soda with vinegar, it produces carbon dioxide gas.

If you drop an object, it falls due to gravity.

If you add salt to water, it increases its boiling point.

When an electric current passes through a wire, it generates a magnetic field.

If you combine hydrogen and oxygen, you get water.

When light enters a prism, it refracts into different colors.

If you expose photographic film to light, it captures an image.

When cells divide, they replicate their DNA.

10 oraciones usando el primer condicional sobre consecuencias del uso de drogas:

If you start using drugs, you may experience health problems.

If people use drugs regularly, they risk addiction.

If teenagers experiment with drugs, their academic performance may suffer.

If someone drives under the influence of drugs, they could cause a serious accident.

If drug users share needles, they increase the risk of infections like HIV.

If individuals abuse drugs, their relationships with family and friends may deteriorate.

If drug use continues unchecked, it can lead to financial difficulties.

If someone overdoses on drugs, immediate medical attention is crucial.

If drugs are illegal, trafficking and violence often follow.

If drug abuse is ignored, it can have long-term consequences on mental health.

Párrafo con 10 cognates sobre maneras de ayudar a nuestro planeta:

"In order to mitigate climate change, it is essential to prioritize sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact. By promoting recycling programs, reducing carbon emissions through cleaner energy sources, and advocating for conservation efforts, individuals and communities can contribute significantly to preserving biodiversity. Implementing efficient transportation systems, such as electric vehicles, and enhancing awareness about ecological conservation are crucial steps. Additionally, supporting initiatives that emphasize renewable resources and eco-friendly technologies will foster a more sustainable future for generations to come."

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