
5 oraciones con ON, BETWEEN, BEHIND, NEXTTU, IN FRONT OF, UNDER. 5 de cada una y todas en inglés porfa ayudaaaa¡doy corona!! ​

Respuesta :



Aquí tienes cinco oraciones utilizando las preposiciones "on", "between", "behind", "next to", "in front of" y "under":

The book is on the table.

(El libro está sobre la mesa.)

There is a park between the school and the library.

(Hay un parque entre la escuela y la biblioteca.)

The car is parked behind the building.

(El coche está estacionado detrás del edificio.)

My house is next to the supermarket.

(Mi casa está al lado del supermercado.)

The cat is hiding under the bed.

(El gato está escondido debajo de la cama.)



The book is on the table.

She placed her keys on the shelf.

The cat is sleeping on the bed.

The sticker is on the laptop lid.

There's a stain on the carpet.


The restaurant is between the bank and the supermarket.

The cat squeezed between the two chairs.

His birthday falls between June and July.

The book is between the two bookends.

The meeting is scheduled between 2 PM and 4 PM.


The car parked behind the house.

He hid behind the tree to surprise them.

The truth behind the mystery was finally revealed.

The dog is running behind the children.

I found my keys behind the couch.


The library is next to the school.

She sat next to her best friend in class.

The store is next to the gas station.

Our hotel room was next to the beach.

He lives next to the park.


The car stopped in front of the traffic light.

There's a big tree in front of our house.

She stood in front of the audience to give her speech.

The dog sat in front of the door, waiting for its owner.

The restaurant is right in front of the movie theater.


The cat is hiding under the bed.

He found his keys under the sofa cushions.

The treasure is buried under the old oak tree.

The dog's bowl is under the kitchen sink.

She placed her suitcase under the airplane seat.
