Respuesta :



Claro, aquí tienes 5 oraciones en afirmativo, 5 en negativo, y 5 preguntas con "Wh-" en tiempo pasado simple:

Oraciones Afirmativas:

She visited her grandparents last weekend.

They finished the project on time.

He played soccer with his friends yesterday.

I watched a great movie last night.

We traveled to Paris last summer.

Oraciones Negativas:

She didn't visit her grandparents last weekend.

They didn't finish the project on time.

He didn't play soccer with his friends yesterday.

I didn't watch a great movie last night.

We didn't travel to Paris last summer.

Preguntas con "Wh-":

Where did she visit her grandparents last weekend?

When did they finish the project?

Who did he play soccer with yesterday?

What did you watch last night?

Why did we travel to Paris last summer?