Fill in the gaps so as to build correct type 1 conditional sentences. 1. If you (go) to England, you (learn) English. 2. If you (enter) this country. you (need) a passport. 3. If she (pass) the exam, she (give) a party to her friends. 4. If you (hurry), you (arrive) on time. 5. He (forgive) you if you (apologize). 6. If you (not leave) now, I (call) the police. 7. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we 8. You may get lung. (go) on picnic. cancer if you smoke a lot.. 9. There if we (be) a water shortage, (keep) on wasting it.. 10. The baby (ory) if you (not / feed) him. 11. You (get) dirty if you 12. There Government (go) to the mud. (be) a strike if the (cut) on workers' wages. ​

Respuesta :


espero q te sirva


1) If you go to England, you will learn English.

2) If you enter this country, you will need a passport.

3) If she passes the exam, she will give a party to her friends.

4) If you hurry, you will arrive on time.

5) He will forgive you if you apologize.

6) If you don't leave now, I will call the police.

7) If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.

8) You may get lung cancer if you smoke a lot.


Here are the corrected type 1 conditional sentences:

1. If you **go** to England, you **will learn** English.

2. If you **enter** this country, you **will need** a passport.

3. If she **passes** the exam, she **will give** a party to her friends.

4. If you **hurry**, you **will arrive** on time.

5. He **will forgive** you if you **apologize**.

6. If you **don't leave** now, I **will call** the police.

7. If the weather **is** fine tomorrow, we **will go** on a picnic.

8. You may get lung cancer if you smoke a lot.

9. There will be a water shortage if we keep on wasting it.

10. The baby will cry if you **don't feed** him.

11. You **will get** dirty if you **play** in the mud.

12. There will be a strike if the government cuts workers' wages.