Escribe con tus propias palabras una historia que te haya pasado. Puede ser un recuerdo feliz, un viaje o algo aterrador. ¡La elección depende de ti! Recuerda utilizar el pasado continuo y el vocabulario. Criterios de evaluación: Escritura (al menos 10 líneas) Vocabulario Creatividad (imágenes, formatos de presentación, prezi, genially, powtoon,etc

Respuesta :



Sure! Here's a personal story in English that involves the past continuous tense and a variety of vocabulary:

One summer, I was traveling through Europe with a group of friends. We were in Italy, exploring the charming streets of Venice. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining brightly as we were walking along the canals. We were all excited because we were going to take a gondola ride for the first time.

While we were waiting for our turn, a local street musician was playing a romantic melody on his violin. We were listening to the music and taking pictures when suddenly, one of my friends noticed that her wallet was missing. She was panicking and looking around frantically, thinking she might have dropped it somewhere.

We were helping her search the area, retracing our steps and asking people if they had seen it. While we were doing that, I remembered seeing a man who was standing very close to us earlier, but now he was nowhere to be found. I told my friends, and we realized that he might have been a pickpocket.

As we were discussing what to do next, a young boy approached us and handed my friend her wallet. He said he had seen a man drop it while he was running away. We were so relieved and thankful. My friend was hugging the boy, and we were all smiling and laughing.

Finally, we continued our day and enjoyed the gondola ride, feeling grateful for the kindness of strangers. It was a day filled with ups and downs, but it turned out to be a memorable adventure.

This story uses the past continuous tense to describe ongoing actions in the past, such as "we were traveling," "we were waiting," and "we were helping."



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