l3. Match the questions to the answers. Write the letters. ___________1. Are you Daniel? ___________ 2. Are you Fourteen? ____________3. Is Omar in 8th grade? ____________4. Is Mr. Jones your teacher? ____________5. Is English your first subject on Monday? ____________6. Are the student happy? a. No, he´s not. He´s in 7th grade b. Yes, they are c. No, I´m not. I´m David d. No, it´s not. It´s PE e. No, I´m not. I´m eleven f. Yes. He is

Respuesta :

1. No, I’m not. I’m David
2. No I’m not, I’m eleven.
3. No, he’s not. He’s in 7th grade.
4. Yes. He is.
5. No it’s not, it’s PE
6. Yes they are

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