escoge 10 miembros de la familia y haz oraciones en inglés en las tres formas que trabajamos en clase: afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa

Respuesta :


¡Hola, me honro en ayudarte!


Claro, aquí tienes oraciones en inglés para 10 miembros de la familia en las tres formas: afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

1. Father

Afirmativa: My father works in an office.

Negativa: My father does not work in an office.

Interrogativa: Does my father work in an office?

2. Mother

Afirmativa: My mother cooks delicious meals.

Negativa: My mother does not cook delicious meals.

Interrogativa: Does my mother cook delicious meals?

3. Brother

Afirmativa: My brother plays soccer every weekend.

Negativa: My brother does not play soccer every weekend.

Interrogativa: Does my brother play soccer every weekend?

4. Sister

Afirmativa: My sister reads a lot of books.

Negativa: My sister does not read a lot of books.

Interrogativa: Does my sister read a lot of books?

5. Grandfather

Afirmativa: My grandfather tells great stories.

Negativa: My grandfather does not tell great stories.

Interrogativa: Does my grandfather tell great stories?

6. Grandmother

Afirmativa: My grandmother knits beautiful scarves.

Negativa: My grandmother does not knit beautiful scarves.

Interrogativa: Does my grandmother knit beautiful scarves?

7. Uncle

Afirmativa: My uncle travels frequently for work.

Negativa: My uncle does not travel frequently for work.

Interrogativa: Does my uncle travel frequently for work?

8. Aunt

Afirmativa: My aunt teaches at a local school.

Negativa: My aunt does not teach at a local school.

Interrogativa: Does my aunt teach at a local school?

9. Cousin

Afirmativa: My cousin loves to play video games.

Negativa: My cousin does not love to play video games.

Interrogativa: Does my cousin love to play video games?

10. Nephew

Afirmativa: My nephew enjoys drawing.

Negativa: My nephew does not enjoy drawing.

Interrogativa: Does my nephew enjoy drawing?

Estas oraciones muestran cómo se estructuran las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en inglés para diferentes miembros de la familia.

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