Traduce está oración a inglés usando el presente simple:
Miley Cyrus todos los fines de semana va al gimnasio a hacer su rutina de ejercicios para estar en forma. Después hace Ashtanga yoga toda la tarde. Luego de todo eso ella se da una ducha y se pinta las uñas de rojo.
Sale de paseo con amigos. También dedica tiempo a tocar algún instrumento y a componer alguna canción que tenía planeado.​

Respuesta :


Miley Cyrus goes to the gym every weekend to do her workout routine to stay in shape. After that, she does Ashtanga yoga all afternoon. After all that, she takes a shower and paints her nails red. She goes out with friends. She also dedicates time to playing an instrument and composing a song she had planned.

Espero mi respuesta te ayude ^^


Miley Cyrus goes to the gym every weekend to do her exercise routine to stay in shape.Then she does Ashtanga yoga all afternoon.After all that she takes a shower and paints her nails red.Goes out for a walk with friends.She also spends time playing an instrument and composing a song she had planned.

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